Mark was born in England but then moved out to Australia in search of a new adventure. He is married with 4 children, 2 step-children and 7 grandchildren. Mark resides in a beautiful home on a 7-acre property in the Perth Hills with his wife Amy, two labradors, five chickens and countless kangaroos.
Mark was the founder and chairperson of the Truffle Producers Association. During this time, he was one of the pioneers of Truffle production in Western Australia with his Black Solitaire Farm in Manjimup just 3 hours south-west of Perth.
Mark has successfully been in business since 1986. He originally started out in Property and Finance but then changed to Marketing and IT in the late 1990s.
Mark has been a member of Rotary since 2006 and has been awarded the coveted Paul Harris Fellowship on four occasions, earning him three Sapphire Paul Harris Fellowships.
The four pillars of Rotary, which Mark lives his life by, are:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Mark is the co-founder and was long time chairman of Global Hand Charity, which was founded in 2009. The charity has undertaken humanitarian work in Laos, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Cambodia to change the lives of tens of thousands of underprivileged people living in remote villages.
Mark has managed many fundraising projects over the past 10 years with these events helping to raise over $400,000. Some of the recipient charities are Telethon, Ronald McDonald House, Kids Cancer Support Group, Neuroblastoma Australia and The Kids Cancer Project.